Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Real Estate and Dating

I've been a little slack on writing recently.  I'd like to say that it's because I've been busy with my creative endeavours, knee deep in yarn and paint but that isn't the case.  I've just been mentaly pre-occupied.

As I've mentioned before we are trying to sell our house and it's been weighing on me heavily.  On Sunday I came to the realization that selling a house is a lot like dating.  We get all dolled up for a first date (a blind date at that) and then hope things go well.  We return from dinner and wait by the phone waiting for our agent to call us and let us know how the date went.  Then we hope and pray that they will want a second date.  Now, real estate does move a lot quicker than most relationships because there isn't much after the second date except the plunge of commitment that comes with an offer.  My cute little townhouse, that's perfect for a single professional or couple looking to downsize, and I have had many first dates over the last few months.  We had one second date but they wanted us to change and be something we weren't (if you really want a three-bedroom you should only look at three-bedrooms, not at two-bedrooms and complain that it isn't what you want).  I'm sure my townhouse is starting to feel a bit dejected, especially because I've made the committment to another house but we still get all dressed up whenever the call comes for another date because it only takes one and maybe it will be the next one.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning new things

It`s important that we keep learning.  No matter what you learn, you should always try to learn something new.  Last year I learned how to knit and purl and then I learned how to knit again after realizing (about four months into it) that I`d been throwing the yarn the wrong way across the needle.  Those knits and purls became stockinette and basketweave and seed stitches.  Throw in some yo, ssk, k2tog, kfb and cables and soon enough I was cranking out dishcloths, scarves, cowls, shawls and blankets.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I don't feel so guilty anymore

Saturday morning coffee in hand and some quiet time to browse the Ravelry Forums and I don't feel so guilty anymore for I know that I am not the only addict out there.

After taking a look at the Yarn Forum and two discussion topics (Flash your Stash 2011 and Show your latest purchase) I am actually feeling pretty good about the restraint I've shown so far this year.  Though some of those stashes and my little voice yelling in jealousy, ``I want!  I want!``...must stick to the plan of destashing...must stick to the plan...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Heart in my throat

Today was a normal day, or so I thought.  Once arriving home, being grateful that it was Friday and that I had a few days to relax, my SO informed me that our mostly wonderful and sweet, though occassionally hyperactive, dog scooted out between his legs when he opened the front door.  We live on a private court and she took off running in the direction of the court but then backtracked and took off toward the main road.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I caved

I'm supposed to be on a big yarn de-stash kick but I've blown it already.  I didn't set out to purchase any yarn this month (and yes, it is only the second day of the month and to make it work I actually made the purchase last night).  I was on the hunt for some tools, specifically a yarn winder.  Now this wasn't really something I thought I needed but I also didn't think I needed a swift.  What a godsend the swift was when my knitting buddy and colleague gave me her spare one (love love love it) but winding a hank of lace can still be a time consumming process and I have a habit of winding the balls to tight and therefore stretching the yarn.  So dear knitting buddy and colleague was raving about the benefits of the yarn winder she got for Christmas.  "I must have one," I thought to myself.  A trekking I went...now it was bitterly cold here earlier this week so rather than just walking the few block to the local LYS from my office I decided I'd check the driving places first (just in case) Michaels, Zellers and Walmart were a big fail.  On the way back there was a parking spot right outside the LYS.  Fate was on my side, or so I thought.  Sold out.  Disappointed, I headed back to the office, plus my lunch break was nearing an end.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moving...onward and upwards (eventually)

About four months ago the SO and I decided that it was time to put our house on the market.  We need more space (I need more space for all my hobbies).  We searched high and low and went on a marathon of viewings and then...we found it...the perfect house for us.  It met so much of our wish list criteria it was scary.  Back and forth with the home owners and a deal was made.  Of course, then we had to sell ours. 

I didn't think it would be so hard. I thought I'd be all settled into our new house by now but here we are still living with the ever pressing demand of viewings and open houses hanging over our heads.  I'm tired and the worse thing is all I can do is wait.  I don't like not having control of a situation but I have no control over this.  It's starting to wear on my nerves (and my sanity).

In the fall we cancelled a vacation because we'd need those vacation days to move but we didn't move so I was down a week of R&R which the little voice in my head is still complaining about. 

I'm starting to detest that 'for sale' sign on the yard.  I keep hoping that tomorrow will be the day that when I drive up the street I see "SOLD" splayed across the sign.  But yesterday wasn't 'tomorrow' and today won't be 'tomorrow'.  For sanity's sake I hope that 'tomorrow' comes soon (at least soon enought that we don't lose out on the house we found).

With every passing day my fingers remain crossed but my patience is running thin.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A marathon and then some

I could run a marathon and continue for a few more miles and still be trailing yarn behind me.  I went through the bags, baskets and shelves of yarn that I mentioned the other day and when you add it all up, not only does it take up so many corners of my house up, but if put end to end I could really go the distance.  Not that I'm about to run a marathon any time soon but I could cover those 26 miles with yarn.  Not only that but I could go almost another 4 miles! That's right, I have nearly 30 miles worth of yarn in my stash...30 miles!  What was I thinking????

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Creative Bug

While the creative bug hasn't actually bitten yet, it is crawling up my arm.  I can feel it's spindly little legs as it looks for that perfect patch of skin for a bite.  Then the itch will start...

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Creativity is Frozen

It all started on Friday afternoon with what should have been a hunker-down and knit snowstorm but instead by the time I got home and bundled in for the evening all I could do was look at my work-in-progress cowl with disgust.  I picked it up a few times as the evening wore on but only got a couple of rows done at most.  My head wasn't into it, neither was my heart and in all honesty my fingers just weren't working the way they should have been, perhaps they were still trying to defrost from cleaning the snow off the car.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have a problem

"Hello, my name is Christina and I'm a yarn-a-holic."

There, I've admitted it. I have purchased so much yarn in the last year.  It's an addiction.  I know I don't need more yarn but I find myself heading down to my LYS or to Michaels or even to Walmart on lunch and there are very few times that I leave empty handed.